Some a2i2 Team Members

Peter Voss is a businessman as much as an inventor, an engineer, and a scientist. Starting work at 16, he is largely self-taught. After gaining experience in electronic engineering, he started his first business at 25. Seven years later his company employed several hundred people and had a successful listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Over the years he has acquired extensive experience in software and hardware engineering, as well as management, sales and finance.

Since selling his interest in the company in 1993, Peter devoted time to working in various fields crucial to achieving breakthroughs in AGI: cognitive science, philosophy (theory of knowledge), psychology (intelligence and learning theory), AI and computer science. He also got deeply involved with futurism and life-extension. He is the founder and CEO, and primary theorist of a2i2. Peter also maintains a personal website where he elaborates on his interests.

Mark Ekstrand manages the data and testing projects at a2i2. He has over 20 years experience in Quality Assurance and Project Management. His previous projects included consumer software for printing technologies, ranging from desktop applications to high speed production environments. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from UC Santa Barbara. Mark finds a2i2's AGI project a rare perfect storm convergence of the right focus, timing, people, technology, and strategy for success.

Justin Corwin works as programmer and AI psychologist.  He is an autodidact, with special attention paid to the areas of educational psychology, decision theory, cognitive science, and knowledge representation. Justin works primarily on the cognitive aspects of the system's behavior. He is conversant in Python, C, and C#

Aside from his current work, he is deeply interested in productivity software, groupware and automated mediation, computer interface design, rapid prototyping, self-replicating machines, and is a lapsed artist, sculpture and martial. He is a published poet, and dedicated rationalist. Justin also has a personal blog at, which he maintains cyclically. 

An independent thinker and supporter of technology as a problem-solving tool, Joshua Truett sees artificially intelligent systems as the most powerful enabling technology currently being developed. The construction of truly general A.I. is what he calls "researching research"; multiplying the overall ability of people to produce and investigate new technological ideas.

After several years of study and private research in AI he discovered Adaptive A.I. Inc. Seeing the implications of our approach to AGI, he quickly offered up his skills to the company. His current job position includes work as an objected-oriented programmer, an A.I. Psychologist, and the systems administrator. On his blog, Joshua posts more information on himself and anything else that crosses his mind.

David Raw is a Programmer and AI Psychologist. He received his BS in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, with Artificial Intelligence as the focus, just last year. During his time at the university, David focused most of his studies on algorithm design and cognitive psychology, developing a good knowledge of Java, Perl, Lisp, and VB.

Disappointed with the directionlessness of Academic AI, David has struck out bravely, journeying to California to offer his skills to the project. He sees AGI as the best path to improving and extending human life and is elated to be helping achieve this goal.
During his off hours, David spends much of his time reading about new technological breakthroughs, listening to music, or indulging his inner gamer.

Tas Dienes was co-founder and COO of I/O Software, Inc., where he developed early products, and later managed the company while overseeing the development of leading-edge advanced authentication middleware for the Windows platform.  He holds a B.S. in chemistry from Harvey Mudd College, and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California, Riverside, where he collaborated in the design and development of the first field portable aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) systems.

Louise Gold is a CPA with 15 years experience in managerial accounting.  She handles the financial and regulatory aspects of a2i2's business.  She spent two years in Cologne, Germany setting up and managing a foreign branch of an American software company.  She has extensive experience with payroll management, ERP, and shareholder reporting in both public and private companies.  She enjoys running, life-extension, and being part of a company that has human flourishing as one of its goals. Louise has posted more information on her personal website.

John Burge John Burge is an AI Psychologist for a2i2. Complementing studies of cognitive and developmental psychology with postgraduate computer science led to a lifetime of cognitive computing, pattern recognition and machine learning. Research projects on machine learning & distributed AI led to real-world applications of natural language intelligence analysis.

John brings to a2i2 additional experience in both live- and computer-based training. He enjoys programming in Prolog, PHP and Perl, but has taught systems programming in LISP, and has been know to write code in other languages as well. Aside from natural medicine, John has no outside interests except riding his electric bike beside the Pacific beach -- and creative thinking.

After an extended sojourn to the verdant hills of Carolina, Steve Dotson, aka “number one”, the first hire of a2i2 in 2001, is energized to return to a2i2 as an AI psychologist, working on training and testing. Since reading Moravec’s Mind Children in 1989 and devouring ideas in the artificial and nanotechnological realm, Steve continues to be excited by the possibilities of artificial intelligence and other new technologies. He maintains a dedicated interest in psychological anthropology, literature and ideas.

An enthusiastic inline skater, Steve frequently joins the Santa Monica Friday Night Skate and enjoy skating the Westside and bike paths. He is also looking forward to tackling the Mandeville Canyon single-track on his mountain bike. In addition to his artistic and technological interests, Steve enjoys reading the online content and published writings of Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, and Christopher Hitchens and keeps an eye on current events and societal trends. 

Matt Johnson is an AI Psychologist for a2i2. His background includes a Master's degree in Computer Science concentrated in Artificial Intelligence, a Bachelor's degree in Astrophysics, a minor in Cognitive Science, and several years of industrial experience that all together makes for great party conversation. When not thinking about AI, Matt enjoys analyzing humanity as quantitatively as possible, writing music and prose, and spending time with his wife and cats.


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